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Cash App’s $15 Million Settlement: Is That a Cha-Ching I Hear?

Updated: Aug 14

Calling all Cash App users! If you’ve ever felt that sinking feeling in your stomach when you realized someone else was having a little too much fun with your Cash App account, you might be in for a surprise—one that doesn’t involve a mystery charge for avocado toast.

Cash App has agreed to a $15 million class-action settlement after some serious security breaches. And no, this isn’t a plot twist in your favorite crime drama—it’s real money you could claim, up to $2,500 if you’ve been impacted by the shenanigans.

Here’s the scoop: A couple of incidents involving unauthorized access to user accounts have left Cash App with some explaining to do—and a $15 million bill to foot. The good news? You might be able to snag some of that cash if your account was part of this data breach drama between August 23, 2018, and August 20, 2024. So, check your emails, check your spam folder, and maybe even check that ancient Yahoo account you only use for coupons—you might have a notice waiting for you.

To make your claim, you’ll need to prove that you were one of the unlucky folks whose account got hit. Think bank fees, credit monitoring costs, or the frustration of having to cancel your card because someone else decided to treat themselves on your dime. But remember, you’ll need some third-party proof to back up your claim, so start digging through those old bank statements like a squirrel searching for nuts.

And if you’re wondering how much you could get, well, it depends on how many fellow Cash App users decide to cash in on this opportunity. If too many people come knocking, expect the payout to be a bit smaller—kind of like that last slice of pizza everyone suddenly wants a piece of.

But wait, there’s more! You can even claim up to three hours of your precious time lost dealing with the aftermath, at $25 an hour. Not too shabby for an afternoon spent on hold with customer service, right?

Now, if you’re one of those overachievers with multiple Cash App accounts, don’t get too excited—you can only submit one claim form. Make sure to include all your $Cashtags on a single form, or you might end up with a confusing mess even Sherlock Holmes couldn’t unravel.

The clock is ticking, though. You’ve got until November 18 to file your claim and potentially walk away with a nice little payday. Miss that deadline, and, well, you might just have to stick with watching reruns of “Judge Judy” instead of getting any actual cash back.

So, what are you waiting for? File that claim, get your money, and maybe treat yourself to something nice—like a snack that no one else can swipe from your account!

Stay Happy. Be Trendy!

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